Get Xampp

Posted by Unknown Thursday, April 22, 2010

XAMPP is an acronym for each letter are:
[Edit] X

X: This program can run many operating systems, [2] such as Windows, Linux, Mac OS, and Solaris.
[Edit] A

A: Apache, a web application server. [2] Apache main task is to produce

actual web pages to users based on code written by the makers of PHP web pages. if necessary also on the basis of PHP code is written, it can be a database accessed first (eg in MySQL) to support the resulting web page. [3]
[Edit] M
M: MySQL, a database server application. [2] In a further development which is called SQL stands for Structured Query Language. SQL is a structured language used for processing the database. MySQL can be used to create and manage a database and its contents. We can use the MySQL to add, modify, and delete data within the database. [3]
[Edit] P

P: PHP, web programming language. [2] programming language PHP is a programming language to create a web that is server-side scripting. PHP allows us to create dynamic web pages. Database management system that is often used with PHP is MySQL. but PHP also supports Oracle's database Management systems, Microsoft Access, Interbase, d-base, PostgreSQL, and so forth. [3]
[Edit] P

P: Perl, the programming language.

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